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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Busy, busy but hey it's almost summer

ImagesAnd another busy week. Lots of changes coming up at work over the next few weeks/months so there is a lot to do to prepare and take care of things. The short version is that the company we work for is changing suppliers. Doesn't sound so bad but the new company we are going to be partnering with is located in Pennsylvania which is a a bit of a ride from Connecticut/New York so all of our scheduling will need to be updated accordingly. Lots of things to figure out in our system, to coordinate and take care of things so the switch happens relatively seamless. The official change over will take place around July 12.

Good news (for me anyway) is that I leave for Europe on July 29. So  I have a very busy month and a half ahead of me but at least then I get a 2 week break. :) I will need that break because as soon as I get back I will need to get into full on preparation for the school start up. And not that long after that someone in our accounting/payroll department is due for maternity leave. So yeah, no dull moments for me in the near future. :)

Worked yesterday, Saturday. Mike hasn't been feeling great with a stomach bug of some sort so we have been taking it easy. Caught up on a bunch of TV shows yesterday and just hanging out and doing the same today. Worked from home for a bit today, went to the store and now going to catch up on some more TV stuff in a bit. 

Bought some ice cream so going to have that as well. :) The weather has definitely been very summer like these past few days so taking advantage of that by eating ice cream and lounging around in shorts and tank tops. Very happy with it after the awful winter we had. 

Mail Update: Letters went out on Friday to: Lotte/Denmark, Charles/TN and Carmen/Malta. And a letter is going out tomorrow to: Laura/Spain. 

Posted by Hanna at 03:38 PM in Austria , Outdoors, Work Stories | Permalink


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