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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Update

Instaweather_20160327_134511Happy Easter everyone. :) We really don't celebrate or do anything special for Easter so it's just another Sunday. I did buy some Easter chocolate. I mean come on, chocolate.  :) But that was about it. 

Was a relatively light week at work due to all NY state school systems being on spring break. CT isn't off until April but NY was off this past week. So that helped with our incoming call work load throught the week.  

Worked yesterday,  Saturday. Today, Sunday, we went for a walk and explored some nature trails.  Wasn't a very long hike, all the trails were pretty short,  but it was still nice to be outside.  Will need to go back when the trees have leaves and things get to be more green again.  

After our walk we headed to Flipside in Fairfield. A yummy burger place that is open regular hours with their regular menu.  Enjoying a delicious mango margarita at the moment.  

Tomorrow it's back to work. But at least we have a fun trip to look forward to not that far in the distant future. Booked flights to Chicago Sat April 16- Tue April 18. Looking forward to it. There's a really cool VanGogh exhibit at the art museum plus as long as the weather cooperates we want to do some outdoor stuff. Last time we were in Chicago, 2007 I think, it was February and craaaazzzzy cold. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a reply to: Carmen/Malta. 

Posted by Hanna at 02:25 PM in Food and Drink, Holidays, Nature | Permalink


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