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Sunday, December 14, 2003


After raining for two days straight and having all the snow melted .... it snowed some more today. :)

That's a picture of our backyyard I took just now. Very snowy. :)
It's been snowing all day and it's supposed to keep snowing till later at night.

It might change to rain later so who knows what it will look like in the morning. Let's hope that it won't be too bad. Mondays are a pain enough as it is. :)

Haven't been doing much today really. I talked to my friend Joanne online for most of the day. Now I am playing with my website and want to try out some new scrapbooking software I got.
I should also write two more letters. Can't believe it's already Sunday night again.

Posted by Hanna at 04:26 PM | Permalink


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