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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

20160526_132116Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone here in the US. :) It's a long 3 day weekend for most people and the unofficial start of summer,  the season of picnics and BBQs, pools and bonfires. 

I was actually working Saturday and also tomorrow, Monday, Memorial Day, but I can't complain too much considering I am leaving for Europe on Tuesday night.  :)

The week was busy at work but again that's expected with the holiday.  It's also been really hot which has been a shock to my system cause just a week earlier it was way cool for mid May.  Crazy weather. 

Saturday after work we went for a late lunch in Oxford at 121. And later in the evening I attempted to get most of my packing done. I still have to get my carry on completed and figure out exactly what I am packing where but I am halfway there. 

Today we went to see "The Nice Guys" at the movies and then went for a late lunch at SBC in Milford. Now going to stop at Rizzuto's for a glass of wine on our way home. 

Mail Update: Received letters from/owe replies to: Nina/WA and Lotte/Denmark. 

Posted by Hanna at 04:46 PM in Austria , Food and Drink, Holidays | Permalink


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