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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Europe it's been a pleasure - till next time

TempFileForShare_20210919-125111And here we are, another week gone by. It's Sunday early afternoon and my flight back to the US is tomorrow, TempFileForShare_20210919-125133 Monday. I really don't know where the time has gone. When all is said and done I will have been away for 15 days but I have no idea how the time flew by so fast. But then I guess it's nothing new, always happens more or less. The car service picks me up at 3.45am tomorrow so a very early start ahead. I have my Austrian flight to London at 6.50am. Need to go through passport control, collect my luggage and then re-check it for the Jet Blue flight to New York. The NY flight isn't till 2.05pm so as long as all goes according to plan I should have plenty of time. But of course you never know these days with Covid restrictions/paperwork checks, flight delays and whatnot. But fingers crossed all goes well. 

This past week was filled with various appointments such as my mom's hair appointment, my own hair appointment, meeting with the lawyer handling my dad's estate (yes that's still dragging on, guess everything is just delayed these days) and whatnot. 

Tuesday afternoon I also went into Vienna again to meet up with my friend Andrea. Was nice to catch up. Wednesday we had a lovely lunch with my aunt, my mom and our neighbors Helga & Franz at the Seedose, lovely lunch by the lake. And the weather was nice as well. Since then it has cooled off quite a bit and become a lot more fall like. But can't complain too much. Had gorgeous late summer weather for most of my stay and even now the fall weather isn't terrible, just cooler and more seasonable I suppose. 

Yesterday we went to a local Chinese restaurant for lunch and in the afternoon I went into St. Poelten for my negative Covid test as I do need one to get to the UK as well as the US. No line thankfully and all went quick and without any issues. Can't ask for more. Well, just had lunch now and my mom is taking her afternoon nap. Will probably use the time to get started on my packing so I am ready and set and can just relax for the rest of the day. 

Mail Update: Letters have been written/were mailed this past Tuesday to: Carmen/Malta, Eunice/Malta, Celia/MA, Nina/WA, Tiffany/OK and Kimber/Canada.

Posted by Hanna at 07:35 AM | Permalink


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