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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Yay for Snoopy

Ok I did it. I broke down and got a paid Livejournal account. I know I also have the paid Typepad account but I guess it was only a matter of time. I am a sucker for fun stuff and it wasn't that expensive. 19.95 for one year. Now I can have 35 userpics (yay) which was my main reason for getting it I suppose. I also changed my layout to a Snoopy layout. LOVE it. Go check it out here. Even though I realized afterwards that I could have done that with a free account too. But oh well .... I am still excited about the userpics and I am excited that I have my Snoopy layout.

One question though. (maybe someone on here has a LJ account too) Does anybody out there know anything about editing the HTML in the LJ layouts ? I don't like the fact that the back/forward function on the journal is sort of messed up. It's hard to explain but you know how you usually have a button at the bottom of the page to go backwards and see older entries. Well this layout doesn't have that. It just has the "go back ten", "go back twenty", "go back thirty" options. But it won't go past a certain point. I just want it to go backwards and forward, that's all. I am assuming that that would be a fairly simple change. Any LJ wizards out there or any communities you can recommend ?
I had this all sort of figured out on Typepad but am a total beginner on LJ. Argh.

So I have managed to waste most of the day with talking to Kirsty online, then getting the paid LJ account. messing around with the new layout, uploading new userpics, .. etc.
I should write letters in a bit. I am so behind on my mail. As always.
Short mail update: Received letters from: Angela/Virginia, Kirsty/UK, Lexi/DC, Jennifer/CA (intro), Neva/MD (intro) and Pamela/Florida.

Posted by Hanna at 04:40 PM | Permalink


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