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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Snowy Monday

Snow_2 Here's a picture from our snowy backyard from yesterday morning. It actually didn't snow all that much (only about 3 inches) but it was the kind of snow that sticks to everything so it looked really pretty. They cancelled school even though the roads were actually fine.

Not much else new really since the weekend. Been preparing for Martin Luther King Day (next Monday) at work. All the school holidays tend to be somewhat of a hassle, figuring out everybody's schedule, etc.

Today I was spending some time researching info about Hamburg (Germany) and Copenhagen (Denmark). We are flying to Hamburg for a wedding at the end of April and are also planning to go to Copenhagen while we are there. I am excited to be visiting two new cities so soon. Yay. :)

Mail update. A letter went out yesterday to: Jetta/Finland. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Lotte/Denmark, Steff/ME, Charles/TN, Celia/MA, Barbara/Austria and Michelle/Canada.

Posted by Hanna at 02:50 PM | Permalink


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