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Monday, June 15, 2009

It's been a long time

 The-Sims-3 ....  I know, I know, it's been ages since I last updated. Work is still really busy. Had somebody go on early maternity leave which meant more unexpected training and dealing with my scheduling and day-to-day work. Right now I am working 6 days at least for the next three weeks. I am waiting for somebody else to come back from leave and hopefully then things will at least fall back into place a little bit. The summer months tend to be at least a little quieter so there is some hope. :)

The weekend before last I was actually off which was nice. I am trying to remember what we did but can't seem to come up with anything. This past weekend I was working Saturday and off Sunday. Mike put my new computer together for me and I was able to install the Sims3. I am totally hooked. :) So I spent most of the weekend re-installing programs and putting everything back into place on the new computer. I am very excited about it though, now that everything is working the way I want it to (for the most part). It's amazing how fast everything runs and installs now. It's definitely nice to have new technology. :)

Mail update: Since the last update letters have gone out to: Jessica/DE, Carmen/Malta and Celia/MA. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Emilia/Finland and Caroline/Scotland. 

Posted by Hanna at 02:53 PM | Permalink


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It's great to get a new computer -- but usually a lot of work to get it back up to speed. Good luck with your new pc.


Posted by: cassie-b | Jun 15, 2009 5:12:30 PM

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