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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

It's the season ...

It's definitely starting to feel a little christmassy even though I am not quite in the holiday spirit yet.Too much to do at work and errands at home etc. in preparation for our trip. But I have no doubt that the Christmas spirit will come as soon as we get to Austria and start going to the different Christmas markets. :)

In preparation for Christmas I am doing ok. I have all my Christmas cards done. The international ones went out yesterday and the US/Canada ones today. Also mailed the packages today so all set in the mail department. The US post office definitely made a profit on me again this year, between the 80'ish cards and 8 packages I mailed.

Most of my Christmas deco around the house went up on Sunday as well. Don't have the tree up yet but we will see if we can get that done before we leave. If not we will have to do it as soon as we get back. I will make sure to post pictures when it's all done so you can see. I am glad all the rest of my deco (incl. my Dickens Christmas village) is up though. It's definitely beginning to feel a bit like Christmas now. :) 

Short mail update for today. Letters went out yesterday to: Charles/TN, Emilia/Finland and Celia/MA. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Sarah/Canada and Tiffany/OK.

Posted by Hanna at 04:40 PM in Austria , Holidays, Travel | Permalink


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