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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is it spring yet?

Peanuts122009 Finally another post from me. I have definitely felt like hibernating lately but it hasn't quite worked out for me yet. It's been so cold and snowy. I know I shouldn't complain because other parts of the country are getting hit much much worse than us but I am still sick of the cold. It seems to be an all over phenomenon at the moment. My friends in England and Germany are telling me the same things and even in Florida they are getting frost and ice. Brrrr.

Not been up to too much otherwise. Busy at work as always. Worked last Saturday, then we went out to an early dinner and came home to watch some shows. By the time we went to bed at 10:30 pm I was having stomach cramps and sure enough I spent the whole night in the bathroom puking and whatnot. Horrible. Sunday I was pretty much out of it for most of the day. Just spent the day on the couch flipping through the channels on the TV and trying to get some fluids back in me. Ended up staying home yesterday too. Felt better but was still kind of lightheaded and dizzy plus really, really tired. No energy at all. I am mostly better today but my appetite is still lacking. I guess that will come back on its own. It's just weird for me because usually I am always thinking/talking about food and always hungry. :)

Short mail update for today. No letters have gone out. :( Received letters from/still owe replies to: Becki/KY, Nina/WA and Kimber/Canada.

Posted by Hanna at 08:03 AM in Food and Drink | Permalink


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Gee, that is too bad. I'm sick too, and even until now, I don't feel well. I need a long rest for this.

Posted by: Parenting Magazine | Jan 12, 2010 11:37:26 AM

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