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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sylvester We are back in CT and back in the snow. Luckily we didn't get quite as much snow here as in a lot of other places. New York got a lot more so we first had to dig our car out in the parking lot before we were able to head home. But another storm is supposed to head our way on Tuesday so we will see what happens with that. After spending some time in the sun I am definitely ready for spring. :)

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. :) No huge plans today. We have dinner reservations at Prespa at 7pm. Mike is dealing with an annoying cough but it seems to be getting a little better. On Thursday we had our 9-year wedding anniversary which we celebrated in sunny Puerto Rico. Could get used to that. :)

Next week Thursday is Mike's birthday. February is always a busy month for us. :) Anniversary, Valentine's Day, Mike's birthday.
Started watching the Vienna Opera Ball I recorded while we were away. Always fun to watch, to see the opening ceremony and all the nicely dressed people. Sort of like an Austrian version of the Oscar's. :) 

Short mail update for today. A Letter went out on Friday to Kimber/Canada and one is going tomorrow to Jessica/DE. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Charles/TN, Caroline/Scotland and Nina/WA.

Posted by Hanna at 03:04 PM in Travel | Permalink


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