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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

David Garrett, a rainy day off and lots of tea :)

DGarrett-Uli Weber_03 Finally another update. This past weekend we went up to New Hampshire to see David Garrett. It was really amazing to see him perform live. I would definitely see him again and am looking forward to his next tour. He is playing in Vienna in November in a big concert hall with a full orchestra. I would love to see that but I doubt that will be possible. When we saw him he had a small band with him (drums, base, guitar, keyboard) but they still managed to produce an amazing sound.

It's been raining and really dreary the past two days. I am off from work today so I don't mind so much. It's nice to sleep in when it's raining outside plus it makes for good "drink tea and read" weather. :) Was able to catch up on a few things around the house, answer some emails, etc.

Next I will probably try and work on my Rosetta Stone since I haven't worked on my Spanish what feels like ages. After that I will probably make myself another big mug of tea, curl up on the couch with the cats and read. And maybe watch some more David Garrett video clips. :)

Short mail update for today. Letter going out tomorrow to: David/IN, Charles/TN, Celia/MA and Kimber/Canada. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Emilia/Finland, Jetta/Finland and Eunice/Malta.

Posted by Hanna at 01:51 PM in Books | Permalink


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