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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Relaxed weekend

Williamsburg And another week gone by, As expected the week after Memorial Day was pretty busy and stressful. Well, some of the days anyway. We will see what this week brings.

I am looking forward to next weekend because we will be off to Colonial Williamsburg. Been wanting to go there for ages so I am really excited about that. We will probably stay in Washington DC for one night on the way down, then 2 nights in Williamsburg. Four days off from work (Sat-Tues) so that's nice. :)

My parents will be in Tuscany pretty much at the same time. As much as I am looking forward to Williamsburg I think if I had to pick between the two I would pick Tuscany. :) But of course that's a lot closer to them from Vienna as it is to us from here. I am sure we will have a great time in Williamsburg.

Didn't really do that much this weekend, just relaxed at home. Went to a pub in Stamford for a bit yesterday but other than that stayed home. Was able to catch up with a few things around the house. Made tortellini with a broccoli sauce for lunch today. Yumm.

Short mail update for today. Letters going out tomorrow to; Charles/TN and Celia/MA. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Jetta/Finland.

Posted by Hanna at 04:18 PM in Travel | Permalink


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We're planning a trip to Williamsburg one of these days. I've only been there once, and would like to go again.
We're busy catching up on dinner invitations that we should have issued long ago. Better late than never. And the dinners have been a lot of fun.

Posted by: cassie-b | Jun 7, 2010 3:38:26 PM

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