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Sunday, November 06, 2011

What a week

CtlightpowerHad a nice veg out Sunday for the most part which was very much needed after the week we had. What a nightmare of a week. Due to the snowstorm last weekend tons and tons of people in this region lost power including two of our offices at work. We didn't have power in our office from Saturday until the end of Monday. Our phones didn't work either and cell phone service was also interrupted. Ended up bringing a bunch of my staff over to my house since at least there we had heat, power and working cell phone service. Made our phone calls to get the orders in and then at the end of the day returned back to the office to key everything into our system (we had some things working on a generator). The biggest hassle/issue though was that our other office and plant in New Britain didn't have power from Saturday until Thursday which meant no production. We had to borrow from other dairy companies in Maine, Vermont, New York, etc. Not a fun week. Taking orders from customers not even knowing if we would even be able to fill those orders. We tried our best but what a pain.

CL&P took its sweet time restoring power to everyone. I think this was even worse than the hurricane back in August. Lots of schools closed for the whole week or part of the week. I am hoping next week will be a slightly better week. We will see.

Today we ran a bunch of errands, groceries, etc. Then started some of my Christmas shopping online. I know, I know. It feels way too early for that. But I always have to keep in mind that I need to ship gifts to people oversees and if I order items online I need to calculate shipping time to myself and then shipping to my friends.  

Short mail update for today. Received letters from: Lotte/Denmark, Carmen/Malta, Eunice/Malta, Nina/WA and Celia/MA. 

Posted by Hanna at 05:03 PM in Work Stories | Permalink


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