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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Blast from the past - Weald & Downland Open Air Museum

IMG_2958Today's destination was the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum in West Sussex.  Had a great time walking around checking out all the old houses (Tudor, thatched roof, etc.), imaging what it would have been like to live in them. As much as I loved looking at all of them I am not sure it would have been too great actually living in them. I don't think I would have done too well in those times. I like to pretend, reading my historical novels, but when it comes down to it I enjoy all the modern day comforts way too much. :)

Had a great time nonethless. In a way it sort of reminded me of a British version of Colonial Williamsburg if that makes any sense. Maybe a tad less crowded and a bit more low key but still with a similiar idea behind it. And anyone who knows me well knows I adore Colonial Williamsburg so it was right up my alley. :)

Afterwards we headed to Chichester for lunch. Always enjoy Chichester and it was fun being back there. It's been a while. Had lunch at this awesome bar/pub type place called Wests that was originally a church but has now been converted into a pub. Stain glass windows and all. Pretty cool.  

Now we are back in Portsmouth hanging out and relaxing. Tomorrow Joanne's boyfriend Dan will have to return to work while Joanne & I will head to Brighton for the day. Should be fun. Love Brighton. :) 

 You can click here to see the pictures I took today. 

 Mail Update: Wrote letters to (need to still mail them) to: Celia/MA and Carmen/Malta. Owe replies to: Kimber/Canada and Tiffany/OK.

Posted by Hanna at 01:16 PM in Outdoors, Travel | Permalink


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