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Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Prague Update

IMG_20141203_180412Hello from Prague. Truly a lovely city. We took the train from Vienna on Tuesday morning. Normally should be about a 5 hour trip but it ended up being more like 8 as our travel troubles continued. Seems like transportation related things aren't quite meant to work out on this trip. 

The problem this time was an engine issue combined with an ice storm that caused issues with the tracks. We ended up having to switch trains about halfway through and were going really slow for the rest of the way. Oh well, we made it here eventually. All that matters. :) 

After we got here we walked to the hotel which is conveniently located, both to the train station and the old town. Checked in and then walked around the old town for a bit, had dinner, etc. 

Today we spent the whole day sightseeing which meant a lot of walking but we covered a lot of ground. Went to the top of the clock tower in the old town square where you have really nice views of the city. Also went to Prague Castle and walked over the Charles Bridge among a bunch of other things. 

After our sightseeing we went to the hotel for a bit and then headed out to dinner. Found a neat place called Butcher's where we are now. 

Tomorrow our train leaves at 2.30pm so we have the morning for more exploring. Will see what we end up doing. 

Mail Update: Owe replies to: Katie/Germany, Tiffany/OK, Charles/TN, Jessica/DE and Carmen/Malta. 

Posted by Hanna at 12:30 PM in Austria , Food and Drink, Holidays, Travel | Permalink


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