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Monday, April 10, 2017

More nice weather - finally recovered from the stomach bug

IMG_20170409_115534_457And iIMG_20170409_122256_859t's Monday again. No idea how the weekend went by that fast but I guess it always happens that way. I am just glad that I am finally feeling better. This stomach bug/virus thing I caught last weekend turned out to be a really nasty little bug. I thought I was feeling somewhat better by Tue/Wed but then it came back with a vengeance and made me feel crappy again for Thursday and Friday. I finally recovered by Saturday so at least got to enjoy the weekend this time around. Really glad that seems to finally be over and done with now - ugh, just horrible. 

Well let's see what this week brings. This past weekend we had a vet appointment with Bailey (our newest cat). She's such a little thing. It was her 3 month check-up after her surgery (getting the mammary tumor removed) so they wanted to do blood work to check on a few things. But because she is such a little cat and has very low blood pressure they couldn't get any blood from her paws so they had to sedate her to get some from near her neck. She ended up staying at the vet for a few hours, just to make sure she was doing ok. Should get the blood test results today - fingers crossed everything comes back fine. We shall see. 

Another busy week at work ahead. Summer is our really busy season and I am not sure how that will go just yet. I guess we will see. Will just hold on, buckle in and go along for the ride. All I can do really. :) This week on Friday I have a 1/2 day for Good Friday which is nice. We are heading up to Burlington, VT for 2 nights for Fr and Sat so I am looking forward to that. It's not a super long trip but it will be nice to be away for a bit. A change of scenery is always nice.

I guess that's about all the news here from my end for now. Going to get ready and head to work in a few. At least it's a nice sunny day today. I am still waking up and not quite ready to face the day but it being nice and sunny out definitely helps. Last week we had a couple super dreary, cold and rainy days where it was dark all day. That was just super depressing and not motivating whatsoever. Combined with the fact that I wasn't feeling great due to the stomach bug .... yeah ... this is definitely much nicer. I think tomorrow it's supposed to be even warmer. Maybe I'll bring my book and read outside during lunch. :) 

Letter/Mail Update: Received letters from/owe a reply to: Bianca/Germany, Eloine/NY, Nina/WA and Eunice/Malta. 

Posted by Hanna at 07:08 AM in Cats, Outdoors, Work Stories | Permalink


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