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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Please meet Charlie !

Charliedog It all started this morning when we got up and realized that one of the water pipes in the basement was frozen - it's just been brutally cold lately. So we managed to thaw it out with the hairdryer which was good. One of the windows downstairs was cracked but luckily we found a spare (yes I am sure we are the only people that have spare windows lying around -- I swear we have a spare everything) which Mike put in after work tonight.

Afterwards we headed out to Home Depot to get some pipe insulators, picture hooks and other small stuff.

As we came back we found a little dog in our driveway. The poor little thing was covered in snow and shaking because he was so cold. We wrapped him in a towel to warm him up a little. Luckily he had a tag with his name and phone no. so we were able to call his owners. Little Charlie lives quite a way away, he must have come through the woods behind our house. His owners hadn't even realized he was gone and were of course both surprised and happy we called.

After Charlie thawed out a little he was a very happy little fellow waging his tail and eager to be pet. Both of our cats didn't quite know what to make of the dog in our house, especially Oliver was pretty freaked out. Charlie went on to polish off their cat food left in their bowls .. cute little dog. :) Not too much later his owners showed up and took the little rascal home.

Definitely an interesting evening. :) Before I go here are the promised New Orleans pictures. Look at them and tell me what you think - isn't New Orleans pretty ? :)

Posted by Hanna at 08:36 PM | Permalink


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What is really funny (& I already told this to Hanna) is that this very same dog was in MY driveway several years ago & I had to call his owners to pick him up. He was well-behaved in the house but Pepper (my 15 pound cat) terrorized him LOL

Posted by: Kristina | Jan 20, 2005 12:00:19 PM

lol...that little dog has way too much of a sense of adventure...lol...his owners must always be going to pick him up from somewhere...!!

Posted by: jo | Jan 20, 2005 2:33:49 PM

Awwww! Well, he couldn't have ended up in a better spot. That's so sweet of you to look after him and how lucky that he had a tag!

Posted by: Leslie | Jan 21, 2005 11:50:37 AM

Kudos to you for the rescue of that cute little dog. You may just have saved his life. I guess that story is a good advertisement for identifying tags for your dog.


Posted by: cassie-b | Jan 22, 2005 9:56:05 AM

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