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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Red-eyes suck :(

So I am back home and so tired. Red eye flights really suck. The only good part was that we got to the airport really early and were able to change our seats to exit-row seats (we have never gotten so lucky TWICE - we were able to change them to exit-row seats on the way there too). The legroom is just a thousand times better in those rows.

The flight left at about 10 pm and got into Hartford, CT at about 6:30 a.m. We got our luggage and headed home for a few minutes to feed the cats and drop the luggage off - then straight to work.

I guess all in all the day at work wasn't so so bad. It could have been a thousand times worse but working on almost no sleep is just no fun. I am still at work waiting for Mike to wrap things up. As always there were a million things waiting for us that needed attention or to be fixed etc.

Well, I am mainly blogging so I can try and stay awake. Otherwise I might crash my head into the keyboard here at my desk and that might not look so good. Very short mail update: While on vacation I wrote letters to Nadine/Spain, Rebecca/Florida, Charles/TN, Neva/MD, Pamela/Florida, Tiffani/Texas and Nova/Utah. I haven't checked what mail I have received yet (we held our mail at the post office) but I'll update once I know. :)

Posted by Hanna at 05:53 PM | Permalink


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