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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Hurricane Hanna

Hurricane_hanna Yeah I have been lazy with my updates since I have been back. Sorry about that. I guess the first week back at work after a vacation is always hectic plus it's still pretty busy at work anyway so I suppose that explains it. Arrived back in the US on Monday. My trip in Austria really flew by so quickly but then it always does I guess.

Went to work today for a while to catch up on some stuff. Now we are home and it has started raining which means that the remainders of tropical storm Hanna have reached us now. I have to say I am not too crazy about having a hurricane/tropical storm named after me. It's even spelled right without the h at the end. But I guess I can just claim ignorance since it's not my real name on my birth certificate after all. I do hope that nobody on my friends list got affected by Hanna too much. 

Not too much else going on. Finally unpacked everything just now after coming home from work. It's always a challenge when I come home from a trip from Austria because I always bring back so much stuff (chocolates, wine, jam, packaged foods, etc etc) that I have to find space for everything. I am glad that everything arrived safely though.

Mail Update: Mailed letters on Tuesday to: Celia/MA, Carmen/Malta, Alex/Germany, Charles/TN and Nicki/CA. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Jetta/Finland, Lotte/Denmark and Jessica/DE.

Posted by Hanna at 05:15 PM | Permalink


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