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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hello from Atlanta

Atlanta-view And here we are in Atlanta. Today kind of flew by but then I guess that tends to happen when you travel, etc. Got up at 5am to catch our flight. Had one connection in Philadelphia. Both flights went smooth and we even landed about 10 min. early. Our friend Tommy picked us up from the airport and gave us a ride to the hotel. Spent a little bit of time with him and then had a snack at an Irish pub/bar right next to the hotel.

Back in the room now, freshining up and relaxing for a bit. Then at 7 we are meeting my friend Eva and her husband Tirrell. Haven't seen Eva in over ten years. We both spent a language exchange year in Santa Barbara, CA in 98-99, attending school there, etc. I managed to keep in touch with some people from that year but Eva was one of the one's I didn't. But thanks to Facebook we reconnected, actually only about a week and a half ago. I was pretty surprised to find out that she now lives in an Atlanta surburb, also married to an American. Since we were heading to Atlanta anyway we thought it would be fun to meet up. Having dinner at Max Lager's Brewpub in a bit.

Tomorrow we are going to take it easy, sleep in, have brunch and then go to the art museum. Tommy has to work until 3 so after that he is heading back into Atlanta and we will have dinner. Monday night we are going to the Mets-Braves baseball game. And Tuesday it's already time to go back, but luckily not until the evening.

Staying at the Westin this time and the views from the room are pretty cool. Our room is on the 40th floor facing Centennial Park. You can see the aquarium as well, Pretty neat. The location is nice and convenient too, right downtown.

Short mail update for today. Wrote a letter on the plane to Nina/WA. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Jetta/Finland.

Posted by Hanna at 06:09 PM in Food and Drink, Travel | Permalink


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I love Atlanta. The last time we were there was quite a while ago, and we spent some time in Underground Atlanta. Is that still there? We were visiting friends, and had such a good time.

Posted by: cassie-b | May 15, 2010 8:00:55 PM

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