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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just one more week ...

 Sydney_opera_house_02 One more week until Sydney. I can't believe we will be leaving for Australia in just one week. We leave Monday January 24th. Don't actually get there until Wednesday the 26th (it will be interesting wrapping my brain around the massive time difference) though. I am definitely looking forward to 2 weeks away from work plus getting out of the cold. We have had such cold weather this winter and have already exceeded the snow amounts for an average winter and it's only the beginning of January. Had another storm last week on Wednesday that dumped two feet of snow on us. They are forecasting another storm for Tuesday but right now they are saying it will probably just be a wintry mix turning into rain later in the day. Will probably make for some messy roads but hopefully nothing else.

 Not too much else going on. Just trying to get everything ready for when we leave in a week. Still a lot to do at work and also things to get together for our trip. I don't think it's going to seem real until we actually get on the plane and maybe not even until we leave San Francisco (we have a layover there) Definitely not looking forward to the LOOOONG plane trip.

Been busy today wrapping a bunch of our wires in wire protective sleeves because our two new cats decided it would be a fun game to chew up wires. So far they have chewed through Mike's cell phone charger cable, two long cables we had running between the computer and TV, a wire for the TiVo, various speaker cables for our surround system and a string of Christmas lights. I don't think it's possible to protect all the wires in our house, WAY too many but we figured we would start with the most expensive/most difficult to replace ones. So we will see how that goes.

 Mail update: Received letters from/still owe replies to: Jessica/DE, Celia/MA, David/IN, Becki/KY and Jetta/Finland.

Posted by Hanna at 08:22 PM in Home Improvement, Travel | Permalink


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Kittens can be so challenging.

Have a wonderful trip. Wish I was going too.

Posted by: cassieb1@gmail.com | Jan 19, 2011 3:56:56 PM

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