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Sunday, January 08, 2012

Rockapella & Relaxed weekend

RockapellaAnd 2012 is already moving along quickly already. This past week was kind of annoying at work but then it's always the same when the schools come back after vacation. At least we had the weekend off which was nice. Saturday we slept in late, then around 3pm we headed down to NYC to see Rockapella. Beforehand we had some food and drinks at an Irish pub. Then saw the show which was good as always (we have probably seen them live 5-6 times now) and afterwards had a couple more drinks and some chips & salsa at Chevy's. They had happy hour when we got there (around 9.30pm) and the margaritas were only $5. Not a bad deal for Times Square at all. 

Today, Sunday, slept in again, then went grocery shopping. Spent the afternoon taking down the Christmas decorations (the house looks so empty now) and rearranging some things. Made some asparagus soup and surfed the web for a bit. Pretty relaxed weekend. Can't complain. 

Let's see what next week brings. I am looking forward to see David Garett live on February 1st which is less than a month away now. I bought those tickets such a long time ago and it felt like it would never come. Definitely can't wait. 

Mail update: Letters went out on Tuesday to: Nicki/OZ and Celia/MA. Received letters from/owe replies to:  Sayaka/Japan.

Posted by Hanna at 04:35 PM in Performances | Permalink


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