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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Golden Globes Weekend

Ricky-Gervais-and-Golden-Globes-2012Trying to post my weekly update and trying to convince Oliver not to sleep on my lap for a second. I am using my netbook and am on the couch and up until now he was on my lap while I was writing letters but I can't really type and have him on my lap at the same time. Ok, I think he finally got the hint and curled up next to me. Cutie kittie. :) 

It's been a pretty relaxing weekend. Yesterday (Sat) I worked but after work we were invited over to a friend's house for a small get-together. Had some yummy food (appetizer of baguette topped with roasted peppers & portobello mushroms&brie, then scallops, roasted potatoes with rosemary&garlic&parmesan, pasta and asparagus) and wine. Today we went out for lunch to the Little Pub in Ridgefield. Then afterwards we went grocery shopping and now at home relaxing. Wrote a couple of letters and later we are going to watch the Golden Globes. Looking forward to that. Also going to catch up on a couple of shows before that I think. Bought some camembert cheese + baguette to have while watching the show. 

Not too much else new at the moment. Work's been about the same,nothing too new. Almost mid-January already again, time is definitely flying. Last year at this time we were getting ready for our Australia trip. It's been really cold this weekend so that would sound very appealing at the moment. :)

Mail update: Letters going out tomorrow to: Celia/MA and Saya/Japan. Received letters from/owe replies to: Caroline/Scotland, Charles/TN and Emilia/Finland .

Posted by Hanna at 06:40 PM in Food and Drink | Permalink


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