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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Another weekend done .. still quarantined ..

BreakfastAnd already Sunday evening again. WHY do weekends fly by so fast? And we didn't even really do much. Oh well I guess. Yesterday, Saturday, we slept in a bit. And then decided to take a ride to two wineries to pick up some local wine. Figured it was a way to get out of the house, take a ride and support the local vineyards. We went to Hopkins and Hawk Ridge. Both great vineyards that we enjoy and happy to support. Afterwards we stopped at J Lawrence and picked up some food for dinner. I finished the book I was reading while Mike caught up on CNN and later we watched a bunch of recorded shows from our DVR. Ended up staying up till around 1am.

So today, Sunday, we slept in late. Then went to the grocery store, liquor store (some more prosecco to make mimosas) and Elmer's (our favorite local diner) for some breakfast take out. Made mimosas, ate and watched some TV. Then I watched the new Outlander episode while Mike is catching up on more CNN and other news stuff. I would like to change the bed sheets/covers but the cat is currently happily curled up on the bed so I figured I'd update my blog in the meantime. Eventually we will probably catch up on some more DVR shows. Once we are all caught up on those I guess we'll have to find other stuff to watch on Netflix or Amazon. Plenty of shows and content out there. 

Tomorrow marks week 3 of working at home. It's definitely been a weird "new normal". Thursday and Friday I went for a walk around lunch time to try and get some exercise and fresh air. I will try and keep that up if the weather cooperates. The weekend has been kind of dreary and rainy. Cold and wet. 

I have downloaded some books on my Kindle so I'll need to pick a new book to start. The quarantine has definitely been good for my reading. Been getting much more reading done than normal. I guess have to look on the bright side for something. 

Well that's all for now. Everyone stay safe and hopefully this will blow over at some point soon. One can hope, right? 

Letter/Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Nina/WA and Celia/MA.

Posted by Hanna at 05:00 PM | Permalink


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