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Monday, September 13, 2021

Heurigen (Vineyard) Lunch, Vienna, Salzburg and more

TempFileForShare_20210913-211552HTempFileForShare_20210913-211644appy Monday again. Not sure how a whole week has already passed. But then that is what tends to happen when TempFileForShare_20210913-211619 you are away from home right?

The weather has been great the whole week so no complaints there at all. Been spending time with my mom, helping with every day chores and helping out with decluttering the house some more. On Wednesday we went to a Heurigen (vineyard) and had a lovely lunch. On Thursday a phone technician stopped by as we were having some issues with the landline. Luckily they were able to get it all fixed pretty quickly. 

And the weekend was busy with a visit to Vienna and Salzburg. On Saturday I took the train to Vienna and met my friend Claudia for brunch at Castelleto. Was great to see her again and to catch up. After that I met up with Lydia at "Viva La Mama". We ordered way too much food but everything was delicious and we had a great meal. Hung out for a while chatting and catching up. And eventually decided to walk around some more and had a few more drinks at a bar/restaurant in the Bermuda Triangle. From there caught the subway back to the train station. Train ended up being delayed by almost 30 min which was kind of annoying but what can you do? 

Sunday was also a fun day. Headed to Salzburg and Helga, our neighbor, also accompanied me on the train ride as she is originally from Salzburg and still has relatives there. 

Gerti, my dad's cousin, picked me up from the train and we headed for lunch at a neat rustic restaurant. Had a great lunch with her and her two kids Kathrin and Florian (plus his family) Had fun catching up and eventually I went back with Gerti to her apartment. Had some drinks on her balcony where eventually also my friend Anneliese joined us (as a small world will have it - they live in the same building) 

Then went with Anneliese for a bit of a walk around the city, had some great Gelato and a drink at a lovely bar. Then made my way back to the train station where I met up with Helga again so we could catch the train back.

Today we worked around the house a little more. And took advantage of the nice weather by sitting outside. Tomorrow my mom has a hair apt at 8.30am and I am going to head into Vienna again in the afternoon to meet my friend Andrea. 

The rest of the week is filled with various appointments and things to do as well so I am sure the time will just fly by. And I will be on a plane back home a week from today which will come sooner than I know I am sure.

Mail Update: Letters have been written/just need to figure out where/when to mail) to: Carmen/Malta, Eunice/Malta, Celia/MA, Nina/WA, Tiffany/OK and Kimber/Canada.

Posted by Hanna at 03:19 PM | Permalink


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