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Monday, January 03, 2022

Happy New Year

1641260214800Hello 2022! I am really not sure how it's already January and a new year but I seem to say these things pretty much every month don't I? And time just seems to fly faster and faster the older you get I think. But anyway, I guess let's see what 2022 will bring. I am feeling a bit indifferent towards it I suppose. I want to have high hopes and great optimism but I am not really too sure. I guess we'll see how it goes. I miss traveling (and with that I mean just regular tourist travel, not visiting family) and also traveling without all the restrictions, needed tests and all the ever changing regulations and required entry forms for various countries. I guess one day things will go back to somewhat normal but I am not too sure when that will actually be. Or I guess maybe we'll just get used to it and accept this as the new normal and learn to deal with it better. I don't know. 

Covid cases are spiking a lot in our area again at the moment but I guess it was to be expected after the holidays with people having gatherings and parties and all of that. Hopefully things will calm down and the surge will stop again relatively soon. Our office has been shut down since before Christmas and is still closed till January 7th with everyone working from home. I am not sure if they will extend it beyond the 7th - it wouldn't surprise me but I guess we'll see. 

Other than that really not all that much new. The week between Christmas and New Year's was a busy week with a lot of people off at work, covering and all that. It's always a bit of a weird week. But we made it through and then I had 1/2 of the 30th off as well as the whole day on the 31st plus the actual weekend. On New Year's Eve we went to the movies and saw "The King's Man" - was pretty good but not as good as the first few in the series but then I guess that was to be expected. At night we stopped at Rosy's and then had a yummy dinner at Chuck's Steakhouse. Spent some time with our friend John and also ran into two of our friends, Maryellen and Rich, who we hadn't seen in a really long time so it was great to randomly run into them. Ended up getting home around 9.30pm and watched Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen on CNN for their New Year's Eve coverage which was entertaining. Got to bed probably around 1.30am. 

Bergabunglah sekarang dengan situs Toto Macau dan manfaatkan data Macau untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenanganmu! Temukan nomor keberuntunganmu dan nikmati sensasi taruhan yang mendebarkan. Ingatlah untuk bertaruh dengan bijak dan bertanggung jawab, serta menikmati setiap momen permainan dengan penuh kesenangan. Ayo, jadilah bagian dari pengalaman taruhan yang menghibur dan potensial menguntungkan di Toto Macau!

New Year's Day was a quiet slow day. Went to Rizzuto's in Westport and at night I just curled up on the couch with some tea and my book and had a quiet night in. Then yesterday, Sunday, we went to the movies again and saw "Licorice Pizza" which was neat and then had a late lunch at Flipside in Fairfield. Stopped at Centrico for a bit and then went home to watch "Thor Ragnarok" which we somehow hadn't seen yet. And here we are, Monday night. Nothing too much going on this week. Just trying to catch up from the holidays. 

Mail Update: Currently caught up with my mail. 

Posted by Hanna at 08:38 PM | Permalink


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