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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Hopkins Inn Lunch ... and general updates

IMG_20220731_191846_055Almost August. This year is truly just flying by. I don't want to be wishing away the summer but at the same time I am looking forward to fall/autumn and hopefully work calming down a little once we get past the peak summer season. I also just booked my next trip to Austria. I will be gone September 4 to 26, 3 weeks straight. I will be working for a good amount of time while there, probably about half of the time, and taking time off for the rest of the time. So September will be a blur, that's for sure. 

Not too much else new. Tuesday night I had a massage appointment which was nice (signing up for the membership at Massage Envy in 2020 was honestly the best thing I have ever done for myself) Other than that it was a regular busy week. 

Anda bisa mendapatkan informasi terbaru dan akurat yang akan membantu Anda merancang strategi permainan yang lebih efektif. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk memaksimalkan peluang kemenangan Anda dengan mengunjungi secara rutin hasil keluaran SGP dan Arizona88. Ayo, persiapkan diri Anda untuk meraih kemenangan besar di kedua situs arizona88!

The weekend was nice and uneventful really. Yesterday we had lunch at Rizzuto's and then stopped at Edison and ended up watching "Back to the Future" when we got home. I hadn't seen that movie in ages so that was fun. 

Today we had lunch at the Hopkins Inn at Lake Waramaug. Always a treat going there. We usually go about once a year and it's always so nice to sit outside on their huge patio/porch overlooking the lake eating delicious food. We had escargot to start (my favorite part is dipping the bread into the garlicky buttery sauce - so good) and I had Cordon Bleu for my entree and a Toblerone Sundae for dessert. Way more than I usually eat for lunch but I have leftovers from the cordon bleu which I think I will devour for dinner. 

We will probably watch some TV in a bit. Not sure what show we are going to start on next. There are still so many that we have been meaning to catch up on. Declensions, decisions. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Celia/MA, Nina/WA, Eunice/Malta and Kimber/Halifax. 

Posted by Hanna at 07:21 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Heat Wave

FB_IMG_1532201366304HOT ... just too hot. Stuck in a heatwave. It's been in the mid to high 90ies for over a week and I am really over it. I know it's also been a huge problem in the UK and my mom in Austria has also been telling me about the heat. Ugh. 

But I know that come winter I will be complaining how cold I am and how much I hate the snow and the ice. So yeah, it is what it is right? I guess will just need to deal with it. It does worry me, the more crazy extremes we are all experiencing these days. Ugh. 

It's been a busy week but I guess that was pretty much expected after having been off for a few days. 

Other than that not too much new. Mindy is in a bit of a downward spiral again unfortunately but it's hard to tell how much the heat is also contributing to it. We brought her to the vet on Friday afternoon to get another steroid shot. Hopefully once the heat dies down a bit she will start to feel better. Please keep your fingers crossed for my Mindy cat! 

This weekend was pretty uneventful with the heat. We went to Rizzuto's for lunch on Saturday and today we went for lunch to Hurricane in Newburgh. Traffic was pretty awful on the way back and took us forever to get back to CT. We met up with our friends John and Jana at Centrico and soon going to be heading home and will catch up on some TV. 

And well tomorrow is Monday again. I have a massage scheduled for Tuesday night so I am looking forward to that. Other than that nothing else really going on. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Celia/MA, Nina/WA, Eunice/Malta and Kimber/Halifax. 

Posted by Hanna at 07:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Staycation Update

IMG_20220714_173532_649Already to the middle of July. Not sure how we got here but as usual time is flying by. Busy first half of the week and IMG_20220715_153128_087 then had Thursday and Friday off for a mini staycation. Had a nice few days even though they of course flew by as well. 

Thursday we took a day trip out to Eastern Connecticut and had lunch at Chamard Vineyard in Clinton, CT (delicious French bistro) and from there headed to Stonington, CT (right at the Rhode Island border) Checked out the lighthouse and then went to Saltwater Farm Vineyard. Hung out there for a while with some more wine. Definitely a fun day. Super delicious lunch (I had Croque Madame and we shared pommes frites) and great wine. And our way home we stopped at the Quarter in Newtown and ran into our friend Patrick which was fun. 

Yesterday, Friday, we headed into NYC. Took the train to Grand Central and went to MoMa (Museum of Modern Art) to check out the new Matisse exhibit. After the museum we had lunch at the Yardhouse and eventually headed back to Grand Central and stopped at Centrico in Bethel before heading home. 

Two busy but fun days. This morning we slept in nice and late which was relaxing. Lunch at Rizzzuto's and now we are at Edison for a bit. Tomorrow I think we are going to see the new Marvel Thor movie so that should be fun. 

Not ready for the weekend to end but it's only Saturday night so there's still tomorrow to savor before it's back to the grind. :) 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Celia/MA, Nina/WA, Eunice/Malta and Kimber/Halifax. 

Ngecek terus, guys, update terbaru dari Data Macau dan Situs Toto! Di sana kamu bisa dapetin info yang kekinian buat bikin strategi permainan makin mantap. Langsung aja cek di Data Macau dan Situs Toto, siapa tahu ada keberuntungan menunggu di sana!

Posted by Hanna at 07:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, July 10, 2022

4th of July and other random things

Pixlr (1)Ok my posting is all of out whack again. I need to get back into a better routine. So let's see what has happened in the last two weeks that I can recap? 

The last week of June was super busy at work, basically the week leading up to the 4th of July holiday. Historically it's always the busiest week of the year I think and this year wasn't any different. This summer season is definitely the craziest summer I have seen since working in this industry. Crazy times all around.

The holiday weekend itself was good. Let's see what did we do? Saturday I think we didn't really do too much, just lunch at Rizzuto's and a relaxed day. Sunday we went to the Mets game in NY and that was a long but fun day. We took the train into Manhattan and then the subway out to Queens to the stadium. The game was fun and the Mets won. But sitting in the hot sun for that many hours was definitely tiring. After the game we headed back into Manhattan and hung out at the Yardhouse in Times Square for a while before catching the train back. I don't think we got home until after 11 so yeah like I said a long and tiring day but definitely fun. On Monday (the 4th) we decided to take it easy and had lunch at Hurricane Grill in Newburgh. And finished "Stranger Things" that evening. So good! 

And now a whole week has already passed again. This was another busy week at work. I think just the fact that it was the week after the holiday plus a lot of people on vacation. Well oh well. Yesterday, Saturday, we had lunch at Rizzuto's again and today we are going to take advantage of the nice, no humidity sunny weather and are going for a walk/hike followed by lunch. And maybe a stop at a winery afterwards. Should be a good day. 

This coming week I also have Thursday and Friday off (mini vacation) so that should be good. No solid plans yet. It will be a staycation with some daytrips. We looked at places to go but everything is so expensive in the summer and too crowded. And flights just seem a pain right now too. Every other person I talk to has canceled flights lately. So yeah, just going to stay put and so some stuff around here. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Celia/MA, Nina/WA and Kimber/Halifax. 

Posted by Hanna at 10:05 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)