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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Happy Spring

D2G0nraW0AE8jr8Spring officially started Monday afternoon which makes me happy. The weather has been ok these past few days, definitely longing for the weather to continue to warm up. Looking forward to patio season. But I'll take this for now. 

Other than that not too much new really. Last week was St. Patrick's Day on Friday. We didn't do anything really but had a corned beef sandwich over the weekend. :) On Saturday we had lunch at Rizzuto's and later watched some stuff on TV. And Sunday we went to see the new "Shazam" movie at the theater in Southbury followed by pizza at Newsylum Brewery and a few more drinks at Rosy's before catching up on more TV at home.

This week has been relatively uneventful so far as well. Yesterday we had a work happy hour after work hosted by one of our vendors which was nice. Free drinks and food is never a bad thing. :)

No real plans for the rest of the week or the weekend at the moment. Will just see how it goes.

Oh, we bought tickets to see "Bad Cinderella" on Broadway in June - definitely looking forward to that. Our tickets are side rear mezzanine but at least they weren't horrendously priced as most Broadway tickets seem to be these days.

So yeah, that's about all I have for right now.

Mail Update: All caught up! 

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Posted by Hanna at 08:21 PM | Permalink


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