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Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas Post

Pixlr_20221226130919400And another Christmas done and in the books. Just a few days until 2023 now. It is weird thinking about 2023. In my mind the whole Y2K Year 2000 thing is really not that long ago and somehow we are almost 23 years removed from this now. Where has the time gone? I know, I know. It's my go to line 'where does the time go?' and it does always feel like it's flying from one week to the next. But then at times like New Year's it becomes even more apparent. It really is crazy and makes me realize I am getting old. Haha. 

But anyway, is what it is right? I am on day four of a four day weekend which has been nice. I had Dec 23rd and Dec 26th off due to the 24th and 25th falling on the weekend this year. No complaints of course. Friday (23rd) I did a few things around the apartment, had a curry sweet potato turkey soup for lunch and in the evening was invited over to my friend Jana's house. She made some yummy food and we had a bunch of prosecco and watched various movies. A fun night. 

Sudahkah anda manfaatkan keunggulan Data Macau 4D ini untuk meraih kesuksesan dalam taruhan di situs togel online? Bergabunglah dengan komunitas taruhan kami dan nikmati pengalaman taruhan yang seru serta menguntungkan. Ayo, jangan ragu lagi, daftarkan diri Anda sekarang dan raih angka jitu anda dengan manfaat data macau yang bisa anda gunakan hari ini!

Saturday, Christmas Eve, we went to Westport to have lunch at Rizzuto's. Actually before that we went to Stew Leonard's and bought a bunch of yummy food (shrimp cocktail, cheeses, crackers, pigs in a blanket and more) After lunch we stopped at Rosy's for another drink before heading home and watched "Glass Onion", the second Knives Out movie on Netflix. I wasn't really sure what to think of it at first but did end up liking it.

Sunday, Christmas Day, we slept in a bit and then went to the movies at 11.15 to see "Babylon". It was over three hours along but we didn't have anywhere else to be so it was a fun way to spend the afternoon. I did like the movie, didn't love it but it was a fun watch. Afterwards we came home and hung out at home for the rest of the day. Had our Christmas feast and binged the second season of Ted Lasso on Apple+. Was a fun way to spend the day. 

Mike and I decided not to really do gifts this year. I bought a Kindle Paperwhite for myself during the Black Friday sales and we also booked the Barcelona/Lisbon trip for February during Black Friday sales as well. And we are also looking to get Broadway tickets for the new year. Just waiting to figure out Mike's schedule as it may change after the new year. So instead of buying random stuff we didn't really need we decided to just leave it for this year. 

Today I am just vegging out and will probably curl up on the couch with some tea and a book for the afternoon. 

No big plans for New Year's. I am working Tues, Wed, Thur and half a day on Friday this week. New Year's Eve falls on a Saturday so we will likely have lunch at Rizzuto's in Westport again and will probably have dinner at Chuck's and then head home and watch some New Year's stuff at home.

Mail Update: All caught up! 

Posted by Hanna at 01:14 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

NYC Christmas Weekend

IMG_20221218_161319_290Just a few days till Christmas. Time is of course flying. 

This past Saturday we went down to the city to see Ingrid Michaelson & the NY Pops at Carnegie Hall. Went to Rizzuto's in Westport for lunch and then took the 4.01pm train from the Westport train station which got us to Grand Central around 5.15pm I think. When we got off at Grand Central we were faced with a really busy train station so I had a good feeling that midtown was going to be pretty slammed with people which turned out to be very true.

Sooo many people. Haven't seen it like this since way before Covid. We made our way to a bar/pub a couple blocks away from Carnegie Hall and had a few drinks and a snack there before heading over to Carnegie Hall for the show. The concert was absolutely amazing and reminded me how much I love seeing orchestras live. And Ingrid Michaelson was of course great and the whole combo was just really fun.

After the show we made our way back to Grand Central and thought it being later in the night that stopping by the tree at Rockefeller Center would be an easier undertaking. Nope. Even at 10.30pm there were still crowds and crowds of people, absolutely crazy. But we snapped our picture and then made our way back to Grand Central. Had to wait for our train for a bit but that may have been a good thing because at least that way we were able to get a seat. 11 car train close to midnight and still it was pretty much full. Ended up at home in bed probably somewhere between 1.30 and 2am.

Sunday was therefore a low key day. :) Went to Rosy's and Mike watched the World Cup final game. And eventually headed home to catch up on some recorded TV.

This week has been busy gearing up for some time off and helping team members prepare for their time off as well as coverage. Our office is closed on Friday and Monday (23rd + 26th) so that will give me a 4 day weekend. And then next week we also have a 1/2 day on Friday so next week will be just a 3 1/2 day work week. No complaints. :)

Mail Update: All caught up! 

Posted by Hanna at 08:57 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

10 days to Christmas Eve ... time is flying as usual

Pixlr_20221214124354198 (1)Happy Wednesday - 10 days to Christmas Eve from today. 

Had a good couple of days off last week, Thursday through Sunday. Didn't really do a whole lot but was a nice couple of relaxing days. On Friday I wrote 2 letters and watched a Hallmark Christmas movie. Saturday we headed to Rizzuto's for lunch and later watched some recorded shows. Finished Dickinson on Apple TV+. Really enjoyed that show, too bad it's done now. It's all about Emily Dickinson's life and set as a period piece but with a lot of modern elements. Hard to describe but I thought it was really well done.

On Sunday we went to the movies and saw "Violent Night" with David Harbour from Stranger Things. Definitely not a movie that will win any awards but it was entertaining for what it was. Definitely very violent though. Afterwards we had brunch at Lucas Local and saw our friend Cait and eventually headed home to watch the SNL we had recorded (with Steve Martin & Martin Short) plus some other stuff. 

Monday and Tuesday were regular busy days at work and today I am off again as I had an eye doctor appointment and still had a sick day to use up. All fine with my eyes but getting an updated prescription and some new glasses. It's been 3 years since I last went so it was about time. 

Hai gengs! Udah pada tahu belum soal Toto Slot yang lagi hits banget sekarang ini? Buat lo semua yang suka main game dan pengen dapet cuan tambahan, Toto Slot jawabannya! Toto Slot ini game slot yang seru banget dan pastinya bikin lo betah main berjam-jam. Gak cuma seru, tapi juga banyak bonus dan jackpot yang nungguin lo di situs toto hari ini!

After my appointment I went to Mothership Bakery where I am hanging out now for a bit. Eventually I will make my way home and will probably read some more of the Christmassy book I have been reading. I am sure tomorrow and Friday are going to be super busy at work again. Going to be a bit nutty until year end I am sure. 

For the weekend we have tickets for Ingrid Michaelson & the NY Pops at Carnegie Hall Saturday night so that should be fun. No plans for Sunday but I am sure we will be home late Saturday (or early Sunday morning however you want to look at it) so we will probably just have a low key day on Sunday. 

Mail Update: All caught up! Letters went out yesterday to: Celia/MA and Eunice/Malta. 

Posted by Hanna at 12:51 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Random Stuff

20221202_180528 Already December 8th, basically just 2 weeks away from Christmas. Where does the time go? I know, I know I say it all the time but really, 

Nothing too eventful last week. The weekend was pretty low key too. Saturday we went to Rizzuto's for lunch and later hung out at Edison for a bit. On Sunday we were going to go to the movies but then ended up scratching that plan because nothing we wanted to see was playing at any good times so we went to Flipside in Fairfield instead and had lunch there and hung out for a while. And met up with John at Rosy's before heading back home to watch the recorded SNL we had. So yeah low key weekend

Beginning of this week had been busy but then when isn't it? We had another new person start on Monday. Lots and lots of training going on all around. And I am actually off today and tomorrow. Just hanging out and burning some leftover vacation days that I can't carry over into the new year. Mike still has to work so I am just doing stuff at home. Slept in a bit and finally vacuumed which was way overdue. Watched the Diane Sawyer 20 year Love Actually special I had recorded - can't believe that it's been 20 years? And yeah somehow the day went by pretty quickly without really doing much. 

No big plans for tomorrow either but some down time and relaxing isn't a bad thing. Been feeling a bit under the weather with a cough and congestion so been having a lot of tea with lemon and honey. Have 2 letters I need to answer so I may do that tomorrow. Other than that no big plans. I have a Hallmark Christmas movie I recorded and also reading a Christmassy book right now so I should keep myself entertained without too much of an issue.  

Oh I forgot to mention that I received a delicious Imperial Torte from my ex boss in Vienna. It's been 20+ years since I have worked there but I am always super thankful for the delicious Christmas cake when it comes. So yum. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Celia/MA and Eunice/Malta. 

Posted by Hanna at 04:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)