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Thursday, June 30, 2005

New Gadget

I have been wanting a laptop for ages but didn't think that we were really gonna get one. But I can proudly say that we are owners of a fancy new laptop now. I am very excited. :)

I think it's cool to have one so I can play my Sims sitting outside or even in the living room. I also like that I can chat online now sitting in any part of the house. Plus we can take it on trips since most of the nicer hotels in the US we stay in have wireless internet in their rooms now. Very cool. :)

Nikmati kemudahan akses ke berbagai fasilitas terbaru dengan hanya melakukan download idn poker. Setelah mengunduh aplikasi, pemain dapat dengan mudah mengeksplorasi semua permainan yang telah disediakan, dari poker hingga berbagai permainan kartu lainnya yang disediakan oelh platform idn poker. Pengalaman bermain yang seru dan fitur-fitur canggih siap menyambut Anda, memberikan kenyamanan dan keseruan bermain yang tiada duanya, kapan saja dan di mana saja. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk merasakan inovasi terbaru ini hanya dengan satu langkah sederhana.

Mike's busy unwrapping it and setting up now. I am looking forward to my first day off from work when I am home by myself so I can play around with it. Am I sad or what ? :)

PS: This week just seems like it will never end. Is it the weekend yet ?

Posted by Hanna at 08:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Monie - In Loving Memory

We just got home and I opened an email from Kristina (Mike's sister) telling me that her cat Monie passed away. Poor kitty. :(

Monie was about 15 and lived a long healthy life but it's always so sad to see them go. :(

She hasn't been doing so well over the past week so I guess it was kind of expected but deep down I was hoping that she would just get better and recover. At least it went quick, Kristina said that it was probably heart failure and she literally dropped dead. Poor baby. :( At least she didn't have to suffer too much. 

Platform toto macau kini hadir sebagai wadah dan solusi ideal bagi pemain yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam taruhan angka. Dengan menyediakan layanan yang mudah diakses dan transparan, Toto Macau memungkinkan pemain untuk menikmati pengalaman bertaruh yang seru dan aman. Selain itu, platform ini juga menyediakan informasi terkini mengenai pengeluaran toto macau, sehingga pemain dapat memantau hasil secara real-time dan mengambil keputusan yang lebih baik dalam taruhan mereka.

When God made the world, He chose to put animals in it, and decided to give each whatever it wanted. All the animals formed a long line before His throne, and the cat quietly went to the end of the line.

  To the elephant and the bear He gave strength, to the rabbit and the deer, swiftness; to the owl, the ability to see at night, to the birds and the butterflies, great beauty; to the fox, cunning; to the monkey, intelligence; to the dog, loyalty; to the lion, courage; to the otter, playfulness. And all these were things the animals begged of God. At last he came to the end of the line, and there sat the little cat, waiting patiently. "What will YOU have?" God asked the cat.

The cat shrugged modestly. "Oh, whatever scraps you have left over. I don't mind."

"But I'm God. I have everything left over."

"Then I'll have a little of everything, please," said the cat.

Posted by Hanna at 10:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Work .. Work .. Work

I hate work sometimes. It's only Tuesday and I am ready to throw in the towel. Been at work until after 7 pm both Monday and today and have just had all-in-all stressful days. Tomorrow doesn't promise to be any better but we will have to wait and see I guess.

Any weeks leading up to national holidays are always a nightmare in my job. I work at a local dairy company and trying to coordinate delivery schedules is always a difficult task when holidays come up. The fun part is that I haven't even really had time to try and coordinate too much since I have been busy covering for other people who were out. Will be doing the same tomorrow so that leaves me with very little room to play for anything that might go wrong. Let's keep my fingers crossed that all runs smooth.

Besides work not much else is new. Spent the better part of the evening posting pen pal ads online. Decided to look for some more pen pals since I seem to be pretty caught up on my correspondence right now. Let's see what kind of responses I get. :)

Posted by Hanna at 10:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Sunday, June 26, 2005

*** HOT ***

It's one of those scorching hot weekends. Yesterday I was at work so it didn't matter too much. But today's high is 94°F (approx. 34°C) and HUMID. It's one of those days where you don't want to do anything but lay on the bed. Unfortunately we don't have airconditioning in our house so I have the fan blowing at me at high speed. It makes it at least a little better.

Slept in late, played some Sims and then went to eat at Legal Seafoods in White Plains, NY. Haven't been there in a while. They definitely have some of the best seafood dishes I have ever eaten. Had a cup of clam chowder (served at every Presidential Inaugaration since 1981) and some linguine pasta with shrimp, mushrooms and garlic. For dessert we had warm chocolate pudding cake with vanilla ice-cream. Delicious. They also have a bunch of different varities of tea so I got the Blue Flower Earl Grey which comes in a cute little iron miniature tea kettle steeped right at your table. I love it. :)

Managed to get one letter done. Thinking about browsing some pen pal websites now and playing some more Sims. Wish weekends would never have to end.

Posted by Hanna at 06:35 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Friday, June 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Kristina !

Birthdaycake_2 It's my sister-in-law Kristina's birthday today so I thought I would dedicate this post to her. :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and may all your wishes come true. You are the best sister-in-law anybody could ever want. :)

We went to our favorite bar TK's after work to celebrate. They give you free wings so we enjoyed the birthday wings along with some yummy mozzarella sticks, potato skins and tempura broccoli. All in all a very nice Friday evening.

I have to work tomorrow so not looking forward to that as usual but what can I do ? Oh well. :) Looking forward to Sunday to just relax. The weather is supposed to turn super hot again, being almost a 100 degrees. Ugh.

Posted by Hanna at 08:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Picture Perfect

Ok I FINALLY managed to upload our Europe pictures so everyone can see them. Sorry, it took this long. Here's the link for everyone that's interested: Europe Pics

I am off from work today which is the first day I have had off (besides Sundays) since we got back from our Europe trip. Might explain why I am so behind on uploading pictures, answering emails, letters and all that stuff. I'll try and do better. :)

Enjoying a beautiful day at home today. The weather is nice and sunny. I have all the windows open and enjoy the light breeze. Just the perfect day for relaxing and doing absolutely NOTHING. :) Maybe I'll make myself another cup of tea or read a book. Definitely a very enjoyable day. Wish it could last forever. :)

Posted by Hanna at 03:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Bagel Mania

Sunday and I have the day off so that's nice. :) Decided to go to Avon, CT to eat at one of the yummy Bruegger's bagel shops. We got up around 10:30, went grocery shopping and then headed to Avon, CT (about an hour ride) to eat there. We discovered Bruegger's the first time when we were in Pittsburgh. It's a chain based in Vermont. We have also eaten at one in Boston, MA and Trumbull, CT so far. They have absolutely delicious bagels and really good bagel sandwiches. Wish we had one in our town. :)

After that we headed to Newington, CT to get some donuts from Krispy Kreme. They have the BEST glazed donuts EVER. If you have never eaten at a Krispy Kreme you have truly missed out. We got a dozen to take home so I have some more to eat later. YUM. :)

Spent the rest of the day being lazy, playing some Sims 2. Also managed to get 4 letters done so I am almost caught up on my mail. It was fun using my new Diddl stationery. Oh, weekends .. wish they would never end. :)

Posted by Hanna at 07:38 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Another week gone by

Diddl1 Yes, it's the weekend again. Some day I will return to updating my blog on a more regular basis - I promise. :)

I survived another long week at work. It's Saturday today and I actually got to sleep in today. I can't remember the last time I stayed in bed until noon. I was so happy. :) I did have to go to work from 2:30-6 but at least I was able to sleep in the morning so that made my day.

Tomorrow I am off so I am looking forward to that. Seems almost like a real weekend. And if I am lucky (fingers crossed) I actually get to take a day off next week. But we will see, I have learned not to make any plans too far in advance. You just never know what might happen.

I thought I would make this a Diddl-themed post since I bought a bunch of Diddl stationery the other day. For those of you who don't know Diddl (it's a European thing *g*), Diddl is basically a very cute mouse character. There are tons of items you can buy, from plush toys to stationery, handbags, pens, ... everything under the sun. I suppose it's similiar to Spongebob or Pokemon for Americans. :) But SOOO much cuter than that. Click this link to read Diddl's history. Anyway, I bought about 6 different sets of stationery which I will have to put to use soon. I have about 5 or 6 letters I need to write. Looking forward to using my wonderful Diddl stationery - YAY. :)

Posted by Hanna at 08:40 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Baseball + Mexican Food

Another week gone by. Time just seems to fly these days. This is my second week in a row I have been working 6 days. Oh well I guess. These things usually come in cycles and it's bound to calm down again sooner or later. Hopefully sooner rather than later. :)

Went to a baseball game today (NY Mets against Anaheim Angels). Or as they are now officially called "The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim". Whatever the team is called, they WON. It figures. The Mets never win when we go to games, well at least in NY. I have seen them win on the road, in Pittsburgh and Los Angeles, but very rarely at home.

It was a really hot day. I am glad I brought sunscreen, otherwise I probably would have turned into a lobster sitting in the sun for 3 hours. Still managed to get a few red spots but nothing too drastic. After the game we went to Chevy's, a Mexican restaurant in Midtown. Had a very yummy Watemelon Margarita. :)

Tomorrow it's already back to work again. Those 1-day weekends are just too short.
PS: It's Father's Day in Austria today so Happy Father's Day to my dad. :)

Posted by Hanna at 09:09 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Beach Day

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here in the Northeast so we decided to take a little roadtrip today. I was in beach mood. :) I am in love with the ocean and would kill to live right next to it. I guess all in all I shouldn't complain. I used to live in Austria which is a land-locked country so I am much closer to the ocean now than I ever was. :)

Our little trip led us to Newport, Rhode Island today. I have always loved Rhode Island, it's just so nice. Lots of ocean and beaches along with nice seaside towns. Just what I had in mind for today.

Walked around and looked at some shops. Lots of really cute shops along with tons of art galleries. Also walked into a candle store and I have to say I had the restraint to walk back out without buying anything. Go me ! :) After that we had lunch at the Red Parrot, a really good Caribbean themed restaurant. They have a huge menu with all sorts of different stuff, very yummy food. They also have great cocktails. Didn't get to have a cocktail though because the waitress informed me that they have a policy of not accepting out-of-state ID cards. I have never heard of that one, but oookay. Strike number two was that they took my favorite dish "Mussels from Hell" (a spicy mussel pasta dish) off their menu. Nonetheless we enjoyed our lunch and I am sure we will return, next time with my passport though so they can't refuse me my drink again. *g*

After lunch we went to the beach for a while. There is no feeling like wet sand between your toes, walking along the beach. Then walked along the Cliff Walk, which is a really nice path that leads alongside some very pretty mansions on one side and well, cliffs on the other. :) Very pretty views. I took some pictures which you can view below.

Tomorrow it's back to work and reality. Oh well, all fun things have to end at some point I guess.

Posted by Hanna at 09:28 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack