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Monday, September 24, 2018

It's officially fall

FB_IMG_1537625985038Ok so it's officially fall and the weather is actually more or less in line with the season. Over the weekend it was mostly cloudy and more or less cool. Not terribly cold but not really warm like it has been either. We also now seem to be getting the cool nights (45-50F / 6-10C) and warm-ish days (mid 60ies to 70ies F / 17-20C) that are typical for fall/autumn. This morning there is some sunshine. Not sure if it is supposed to last but right now it looks pretty. I think we are supposed to get some soaking rain over the next few days. 

Over the weekend it was mostly dry so no real complaints there. Yesterday, Sunday, we went to see "A Simple Favor" starring Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick. It was entertaining and I would definitely recommend it. It's a thriller/mystery but at the same time also funny and kind of light-hearted, maybe a bit campy. It's such a hard movie to describe. But I definitely would recommend it. You won't be bored.

Pertama-tama, Data Macau 4D adalah sumber informasi yang sangat berharga bagi para pemain taruhan 4 digit. Dengan mengamati hasil pengundian yang terjadi secara reguler, para penjudi dapat mengidentifikasi pola-pola dan tren-tren angka yang muncul. Hal ini memungkinkan mereka untuk membuat prediksi yang lebih tepat dan cerdas dalam menempatkan taruhan mereka dengan manfaat data macau yang ada setiap hari nya. 

Then after the movies we headed into the city to meet up with our friend John, his wife Jana and some of his other friends for his birthday. We went to "The Perfect Pint". There are actually two locations and the one we usually go to is on West 45th Street. So that is where we automatically headed until we figured out that our friends were actually at the one on East 45th Street. LOL. Oh well. At least it was only a 10 min walk so not a huge deal. The menu is pretty much identical at both locations and really the whole place is pretty similar. This was the first time we went to the one on the East side. Usually we are at the other one if we are heading to a Broadway show and want to get a couple of drinks or a snack before the show. Nothing fancy but a nice break from all the generic touristy bars and chain places in Midtown. Blergh. 

Anyway, that's about it. Oh I also started binge watching "This is Us". I finished season 1 and am about 4 episodes into season 2. My goal is to continue to binge so I can catch up and watch season 3 which I think starts this week. I should be able to get caught up relatively soon. It's one of those shows I had heard about for ages but wasn't sure if I would like it. And it's not a show that Mike really would be into so we never watched it. And one of the nights where I was home by myself I decided to give it a go and well, it sucked me in. So now I need to get caught up so I can watch the current season. 

Letter/Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a reply to: Celia/MA. 

Posted by Hanna at 07:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Whirlwind Work Trip Week

Pixlr_20180916152546055And we're back to summer weather more or less. The brief fall interlude from last weekend/early this week didn't really last too long. It's not crazy hot like it has been but still in the 80ies (26C) Pretty decent weather this weekend so no real complaints. Especially considering the weather they are experiencing further down the coast in the Carolinas, Georgia and Virginia due to Hurricane Florence. We are supposed to get soaking rain and wind on Tuesday I think but of course nothing like they have been going through further south. 

This past week was broken up by a quick business trip to Pittsburgh for a training session. Worked Wednesday and left around 2.30pm to head to the airport (Laguardia) for an evening flight. I went with one of my co-workers who drove and we were lucky enough not to hit any real traffic delays and even security at Laguardia wasn't too terrible. Everything is under construction there so it is a bit of a mess but it all worked out fine. And we even got bumped up to an earlier flight which worked out well. Were able to meet up with some other co-workers who were already in Pittsburgh for another training class and had enough time to go out for dinner and some drinks. Had some fun hanging out and made the best of our super quick trip. Thursday we spent the day in class and as soon as that was over (bit after 4.30pm) we headed straight back to the airport and back to New York. Got back to Danbury around 9.30pm I think. Definitely a bit of a whirlwind trip. :) 

Let's see what this upcoming week will bring. Fingers crossed it will be a smooth week. This weekend I have been doing a good amount of reading. Went to the library yesterday and borrowed three books. Started and finished "Flowers and Foul Play" all in one go. It's the first book in a new series by this author and I absolutely cannot wait for the next book in this series now. Such a fun read. 

Nah, biar main Toto Slot makin mantap, lo harus cek situs Toto yang terpercaya. Di situ lo bisa dapetin info terbaru soal game-game slot yang lagi booming, tips menang, dan pastinya promo-promo gokil yang gak boleh kelewatan. Situs Toto juga kasih lo info lengkap soal data keluaran terbaru, jadi lo bisa prediksi game-game selanjutnya dengan lebih akurat.

Letter/Mail Update: A letter went out on Monday to: Laura/Spain. 

Posted by Hanna at 03:41 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Low Key Fall Weather Weekend

20180909_122047What a change in the weather since last weekend. This weekend it feels like fall. Temps today are barely hitting 60 (15C) and compared to the crazy heat we have had it does feel pretty cool. I am not complaining though. It's a nice break and nice to be able to wear sweatpants and my hoodie and curl up on the couch with a big mug of tea. It is not going to stay this way for long I don't think. Supposed to get back up to summer temps throughout the week. But for right now I am enjoying the cooler temps, being able to turn the oven on without overheating the house etc. 

Brought out my fall deco today since I felt in the mood. When it was so hot and humid I never really felt like putting it out because it just didn't fit. But today it fits. Have my "Warm Apple Crisp" candle burning and everything feels nice and cozy. It's been a pretty low key weekend, sleeping in, cuddling with the cats etc. 

The week, even though it was just a 4 day week, felt pretty long. We'll see what next week brings. I am off to Pittsburgh for a day for mentor certification training. Really quick trip. I leave Wednesday night and come back Thursday night. Not really all that much else new I suppose. 

We have a few fun trips coming up, not sure if I have written about those on here yet. In October we are off to San Diego for 3 nights and in November we are heading back to the Azores (different island this time though - Terceira)  for 7 nights. Looking forward to both trips! 

Letter/Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a reply to: Laura/Spain. 

Posted by Hanna at 02:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Labor Day Weekend in DC

IMG_20180901_203113_515And here we are. It's September and unofficially Labor Day weekend always marks the end of the summer here in the US (officially fall doesn't start Pixlr (2)until Sept. 22nd of course) The weather has been hot and humid so it definitely doesn't feel like fall. We were in Washington DC over the long weekend and it was even hotter and more humid there than here in CT. We still made the best of it and had a fun weekend. 

Holiday weekend traffic can be a bitch too but all in all it really wasn't too bad. We drove down on Saturday morning and our GPS rerouted us a couple of times due to accidents and slowdowns but we made good time. On the way back yesterday (Monday) we did end up with about a 30 min. delay due to an accident on the George W Bridge. But all in all it could have been worse I suppose. There were definitely a lot of people on the road, especially yesterday. We stopped at a rest-stop on the NJ Turnpike and holy crap, I don't know if I have ever seen so many people at a rest-stop before. The line for the women's bathroom was almost out the door. Crazy! 

Anyway, DC was fun. We stayed at the Madison Hotel (awesome deal on Travelzoo that also included parking which otherwise would have been $58 per night) which was pretty conveniently located. On Saturday we had lunch at Capitol City Brewing and then headed to the mall to walk around and look at the monuments. We have of course seen them but it's always a neat experience. Ended up getting caught in a massive downpour and drenched to the core but in a way it was almost refreshing because it was a relief from the heat and humidity for a bit. Of course as soon as it stopped and the sun came back out it was even more humid than before. Oh well. 

Sunday we decided to do a few museums. Went to the Spy Museum (really cool), the National Portrait Gallery (which had a bunch of other art besides the presidential portraits as well) and the National Gallery (huge art museum split between two buildings) Th Smithsonian museums are all free so that's always nice. The Spy Museum we did have to pay for but it was a neat thing to do. Next time we want to check out the Newseum (a museum centered around the press/news) Almost wish we had done it this time (seems like something that would be very apropos for the times we are in right now) but we just didn't have enough time. 

Sunday night we had dinner at the Grillfish, always a delicious place. And yesterday, Monday, we slept in before heading for an early lunch at Legal Seafoods. After lunch we headed back and made it back to Danbury by about 7.30pm so not too terrible really. And well, now it's Tuesday morning and back to reality and work. Not sure I am ready but I guess it is what it is, right? 

etter/Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a reply to: Laura/Spain. 

Posted by Hanna at 07:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)