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Sunday, December 06, 2020

It's beginning to look a bit ...

20201202_192925_resized_1... like Christmas :) To be fair the picture I am showing here I took right after I decorated the tree on Wednesday night. What you can't see in the picture is that the top part (it's a fake tree) broke somehow since last year and we had to figure out a way to duct tape it. Since then the top has slated quite a bit to the left, leaving me with a very strange looking lop sided tree. lol. All very 2020 I suppose. But oh well. I'll look for a new tree during the clearance sales I guess. 

I feel like it's been quite the week. Been having a bit of a cold, sore throat, mild cough, congestion, headache etc. Didn't think all that much of it. But was at home anyway since I am working from home etc. But on Friday we heard from our friends that they tested positive for Covid as well as Mike's niece. Ugh. Mike was able to snag an appointment for a rapid test on Friday morning and his test came back negative. I got tested Saturday morning but mine was a regular test, they said takes about 2-3 days for results. Mike also ended up getting tested for antibodies and that came back positive. Interesting. It's fascinating to know that he somehow had Covid already at one point even though he never had any real symptoms. I do wonder if I am negative too, considering we live together and spend most of our time together. But I guess I'll just have to be patient. Been quarantining at home, finished most of my Christmas cards, put up the decorations, etc. I do have the "no smell/taste" thing which I know is very common for Covid but I have also had this exact same thing with a bad cold/stuffy nose so god knows. Will just have to be patient and wait. 

Other than that everything's the same. What a strange, strange year it's been. Will catch up on some TV later. I think we will also start "Queen's Gambit" on Netflix since everyone has been raving about it. And tomorrow is Monday again.

Will make myself another big mug of tea and see if there's anything else I can accomplish while at home. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Nina/WA. 

Posted by Hanna at 02:50 PM | Permalink


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