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Friday, June 23, 2006

More Austrian Updates

R0014420_resize So I survived the day of the funeral. It was at noon today. It was a very small affair with just a few relatives, mostly people I haven't seen in quite some time.

It was a very moving (I really had to hold back my tears a few times or I would have started bawling like a baby) and nice service and the luckily weather wasn't too bad either so we didn't get rained on and it wasn't too crazy hot either.

After the funeral we went to a nearby restaurant for lunch and a little get together. It was nice to eat traditional Austrian food again.

Tonight for dinner I had pizza. Ham, mushrooms and garlic. Very yummy. Now I am sooo full though. I don't know if I should have eaten this much but it's so hard to resist pizza.

Tomorrow I have my hair dresser appointment at 9 am. Afterwards we are having lunch at a traditional Heurigen (they serve different kinds of wine and some traditional food) and then grocery shopping so I can take some things back. I have already accumulated so much stuff ... I hope I won't have to pay extra for my bag on my return flight. :)

Posted by Hanna at 02:03 PM | Permalink


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