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Sunday, February 22, 2009
Alles Waltzer (Everybody Waltz)
This past Thursday was the Vienna Opera Ball which is a really big event in Vienna each year. It's super expensive to attend but it's watched on TV by loads of people. There was a big discussion this year if they should hold the ball considering the economy but I think it only makes sense to hold it since so much money flows into the economy because of it (all the ball gowns that are purchased, the flowers, the caterers, etc. etc.)
Richard Lugner (real estate entrepreneur and Viennese socialite) is known for inviting a famous guest every year and the papers always speculate who it will be. This year it happened to be "Desperate Housewife" Nicollette Sheridan. In former years he invited Paris Hilton, Carmen Electra, Geri Halliwell, Pamela Anderson, Andie McDowell and Sarah "Fergie" Ferguson.
I loved looking at the pictures and am looking forward to watching the recording of it later on. Everything always looks so grand and spectacular. Someday I would like to attend although I can't really dance. But one can dream right ? :)
Not too much else new really. The weekend flew by as usual. Tonight the Oscar's are on TV so we will watch that. Been surfing the web, writing some letters, drinking tea & reading for the most part. This morning we went out for breakfast - had yummy French Toast. :)
Next week will be a busy week I am sure. Monday & Wednesday we are going down to NYC after work. Monday is my monthly Austrian meet-up and Wednesday we have tickets for the Vienna Philarmonic Orchestra at Carnegie Hall.
Mail update. So far letters are going out on Monday to: Celia/MA and Eunice/Malta. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Sarah/Canada and Jetta/Finland.
Posted by Hanna at 05:27 PM | Permalink
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Enjoy the Philharmonic Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. They are playing the music of your former home town together with Lang Lang, a real famous pianist.
Posted by: Mom | Feb 23, 2009 2:51:38 AM