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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hello from Atlanta

Hanna-Atlanta Enjoying our short break here in Atlanta. The weather is definitely better than in CT. It's still not crazy warm, only low 50ies but a lot better than the snow and cold at home. When we left CT we had another snow storm and it sounds like there is more on the way for early next week. I am definitely ready for spring at this point. It's March tomorrow so we really should be done with the snow. But of course that's not how that works.

Anyway, having fun on our short weekend trip. Went to the aquarium yesterday which was super crowded but still lots of fun. Definitely one of the better aquariums we have been to. Today we are going to the zoo which should be fun too. It's also nice to hang out with our friend Tommy who we haven't seen in quite some time. Always fun to see people you haven't seen in a while.

Short mail update for today. A letter went out to Charles/TN on Tuesday. A letter should also be going out soon to: Caroline/Scotland. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Emilia/Finland, Celia/MA and Nina/WA.

Posted by Hanna at 10:35 AM in Travel | Permalink


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