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Monday, February 08, 2010

Hello from sunny Puerto Rico

Hanna-balcony It's very weird being in this warm weather all of a sudden, wearing short sleeve shirts, bikinis, swimming in the ocean, etc. when only the day before we were freezing like crazy. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely not complaining, it's just very different.

We ended up getting to the resort around 3:30pm yesterday. Took us a little while to get the car etc. The resort is absolutely gorgeous by the way. Two big pools, huge grounds, loads of restaurants/bars, etc. And it's right by the beach. So  after cecking in we pretty much headed straight to the beach and played in the ocean (fun waves) until sunset.

Afterwards we took the shuttle over to the Country Club by the golf course where they have a restaurant and bar. Was different watching the Super Bowl in a bar overlooking the rainforest. :) Had some yummy Mai Tais.

Today we are heading into San Juan to explore the Old Town. Looking forward to that. It was already 72F (22C) this mornng so by now I am sure it's even warmer. I am sure it will be a fun day.

Tomorrow we will probably check out the rainforest that's right next to our resort. There is also another cool beach with loads of food kiosks very close to here. So we will check all that out over the next few days.

Short mail update for today. Wrote letters on the way down to: Alex/Germany and Celia/MA. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Caroline/Scotland, Nina/WA and Kimber/Canada.

Posted by Hanna at 10:04 AM in Beach, Travel | Permalink


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