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Friday, April 30, 2010

Botanical Gardens & Austrian food

Botanical+gardens,+bronx+NY And the weird weather continues. During the beginning of this week we had frost warnings and temps as low as 32F (0C). This weekend it's supposed to be in the 80'ies (29C). I am not complaining about the nice weather for the weekend but it just seems like we are constantly going back and forth between cold and warm weather. 

Planning to go to the Botanical Gardens in the Bronx tomorrow and then dinner at Cafe Steinhof in Brooklyn afterward. Will mean that we will spend a lot of time on the train but it will be fun. A good day to be outside and explore the gardens. We have been to the ones in Brooklyn but not the ones in the Bronx yet. And Austrian food at Cafe Steinhof is of course always delicious. :)

No plans for Sunday. Will probably just relax and stay home like we did last Sunday. Lucked out with the weather last weekend, nice weather for the baseball game on Saturday and rain/cool on Sunday. It's supposed to be pretty nice on Sunday this weekend too but cloudy instead of sunny.

Short mail update for today. A letter went out on Monday to: Alex/Germany and Lotte/Denmark. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Jetta/Finland, Jessica/DE, Carmen/Malta, Caroline/Scotland and Nina/WA.

Posted by Hanna at 04:47 PM | Permalink


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Have a wonderful weekend. It's Friday night here, and we've had a glass of wine on the deck, and I'm getting ready to put dinner out - also on the deck. Our yard looks so pretty this time of year.


Posted by: cassie-b | Apr 30, 2010 6:15:55 PM

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