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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Busy week & crazy weather

466_perky_female_weather_person_explaining_a_weathermap Definitely some weird weather lately. This past week it was super warm and even got up into the 80ies (26C) but for tonight they are forecasting a frost warning. Go figure.

I enjoyed the nice weather while it lasted even though of course it was way too warm for April. But it was nice while we had it. I was off on Tuesday and was able to go for a walk and enjoy being outside. And last weekend in NYC was really nice as well. Seeing the Tim Burton exhibit and going for a long walk, about 6 miles, and our late lunch at the Tex-Mex restaurant. An all around fun day.

No big plans for tomorrow. Had to work today till about 2pm and going to catch up with some TV shows in a bit. Then tomorrow I will just catch up with some emails, read a little bit and enjoy being lazy. It's been a crazy week at work. Just a lot going on at the moment, meetings with upper managment, trying to figure out things, staring at spreadsheets and numbers and coming up with hopefully creative solutions in the end. I am glad I have the day off tomorrow to just take a break from it all, even if it's just one day.

Short mail update for today. No letters have gone out. A letter went out on Monday to: Eunice/Malta. Received letters from/still owe replies to: Jessica/DE, Celia/MA, Alex/Germany, Emilia/Finland and Jetta/Finland.

Posted by Hanna at 06:48 PM | Permalink


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