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Sunday, March 06, 2011

Rainy Weekend

Red umbrella-rain Another pretty relaxing weekend. Had to work yesterday, got out about 2:30pm or so. Afterwards we went grocery shopping, then had an early dinner at TK's and watched lots of TV when we got home.

Today we slept in late, then relaxed at home. A really rainy dreary day today, perfect day to stay home, drink tea and relax. Wrote a few emails, watched some David Garrett clips/interviews on the computer etc. I really should have written some letters too but somehow didn't get to that.

Meeting some friends for dinner in a little bit. Originally planned to order pizza & stay in but heading out into the rain for a bit now. But it's only 5pm so we will be home early and will continue our catch up with our TV shows then. Maybe during the week I will finally have some time to catch up with my letters.

Next weekend on Saturday we have tickets to see "Wicked" on Broadway (my birthday gift for Mike since he has been wanting to see this show for ages). Looking forward to that. Will be nice to see a Broadway show again, feels like it's been a little while since we have been to one.

Mail Update: Received letters from: Celia/MA, Lotte/Denmark, Nina/WA, Sarah/Canada and Carmen/Malta.

Posted by Hanna at 04:48 PM | Permalink


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