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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Coney Island

Hanna-ConeyAlready 3pm on Sunday again. I really wish weekends wouldn't fly by that fast. It's been a nice weekend though. Had both Saturday and today off. Yesterday we took the train down to New York and then the subway out to Coney Island. On our way there we stopped at Cafe Steinhof (an Austrian restaurant) in Brooklyn for lunch. Yumm. 

Spent the rest of the afternoon walking around Coney Island. Walked along the beach for a while. Always a bit surreal walking on the beach and knowing you are in New York City. Coney Island is a very one-of-a-kind place as it is but it's always fun to go out there. Last time we spent a day there was just after I moved in 2002 so it's been a while. In the evening we watched the Brooklyn Cyclones (minor league) baseball game which was fun. Lucked out with the weather too. There were thunderstorms in the area the whole day and we saw some heavy downpours while watching out the window on the train but never encountered any rain ourselves while outside. 

Didn't get home till close to 2am so we slept in late today. Then went to lunch at Elmer's Diner and grocery shopping afterwards. Probably going to just relax for the rest of the day. Will read for a bit, maybe we will watch a movie later. The Olympics Closing Ceremonies are on too. Can't believe the Olympics are already over again. Austria didn't manage to get any medals this time. We had 17 placements in the top 10 but no medals. We usually do much much better in the winter olympics but can usually snag at least a couple medals in the summer ones too. Oh well I guess. 

Mail Update: A letter will go out to Lotte/Denmark tomorrow. Received letters/still owe a response to: Charles/TN and Emilia/Finland. 

Posted by Hanna at 03:35 PM in Beach, Food and Drink | Permalink


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sounds like a great day - weekend. I've never been to Coney Island. And that's silly. I live near Philadelphia. It wouldn't be difficult to get there. Glad you had fun.

Posted by: [email protected] | Aug 12, 2012 8:14:58 PM

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