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Sunday, September 08, 2013

Seaplane Fun

SeaplaneAnother busy week. Worked 6 days including the Labor Day holiday on Monday and yesterday Saturday. At least now we are past the holiday so that's good. We also had Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, on Thursday/Friday so definitely a busy week holiday wise. Whenever there is a holiday that affects the school schedules things get hectic. Especially with holidays where some schools are off, some are not, etc. 

Di tengah hiruk pikuk kehidupan sehari-hari, toto 4D adalah tempat yang sempurna untuk melepas penat dan mengejar kesenangan. Dengan berbagai pilihan permainan toto macau dan jackpot yang menarik, setiap pemain memiliki kesempatan untuk meraih kemenangan besar.

We now have another week and then we are off to Virginia to meet up with my parents. They get into Washington DC on Tuesday next week, are going to spend 2 nights there and then are continuing on to their resort in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia where we will meet up with them. Still deciding what day we will drive down there. 

I am looking forward to our vacation but am also slightly worried about everything at work. While I am gone another person will also be on vacation which will compound things, especially with the new added accounting duties. Guess we will figure it out and things will just work out some way some how. Guess they always do one way or another. 

Di antara sorak-sorai penonton, Vio88 menjadi tempat di mana judi bola menjadi lebih hidup. Setiap tebakan yang ditempatkan oleh para penjudi memiliki potensi untuk mengubah jalannya pertandingan dan membawa mereka pada kemenangan yang gemilang.

Today, Sunday, we scheduled Mike's seaplane flight at Lake Candlewood. This is his Christmas present from me from last year so I am glad we got to schedule it before another Christmas season rolls around. :) It's a gorgeous day as well so all worked out nicely. I stayed behind at the dock which was perfectly fine with me. Not a huge fan of small planes. :) Mike seemed to enjoy himself though so that's all that matters really. 

Ran some errands, home for a bit, and in a little while we are going to head to the White Horse Pub in Marbledale. They have a nice patio next to a brook and since the weather is so nice it will be perfect sitting outside weather. Looking forward to it. 

Mail Update: Received letters/still owe a response to: Laura/Spain, Eunice/Malta and Nina/WA.   

Posted by Hanna at 11:28 AM in Food and Drink, Outdoors, Travel | Permalink


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