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Sunday, December 08, 2013

UnnamedBusy, busy. Worked 6 days with another 6 day week ahead of me. This season is always extra busy at work, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. On top of that we also have two people on vacation right now so that means we are covering for them as well. Next week I will have to run payroll in addition to cashier duties (accounting of the money our delivery drivers collect while out on the road). Never a dull moment.

Today we spent the morning putting up our Christmas decorations inside the house. Our tree is also up now but not decorated yet. We will do that another time. Just happy that my decorations are up and the tree is up. Also put on my winter bedset and as you can see Ollie is already happily sleeping on it. 

Been running around, up and downstairs for a few hours now, getting out all the stuff from various places, putting things away. I am pretty much done now. :) I think we will head out to Mezon (a tapas bar) for a little bit and then maybe catch up on some TV shows afterwards.

Will see what next week brings. I hope the weather cooperates and work doesn't end up too crazy. Never know, we will just have to wait and see. :)

Mail Update: Letters went out this past week on Monday to: Charles/TN, Carmen/Malta, Emilia/Finland. Nina/WA, Jessica/DE and Celia/MA. All caught up for a change :)

Posted by Hanna at 03:22 PM in Holidays | Permalink


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