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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Outlander - Season 2

IMG_20160410_144635Another week gone by already. Took a while to get through the week as we had somebody on vacation.  But we made it and got through the week without too much of an issue.  Now it's already  Sunday afternoon somehow. How did that happen?

Worked Saturday till 2pm. Then went for a late lunch in Oxford. Later in the evening I stayed home while Mike went out to watch the Mets game.  I caught up on some recorded things and then watched the first episode of the second season of "Outlander" again.  They had released it early on Thursday though streaming so I had caught it then but wanted to see it again.  

Been having fun talking it through with my friends, discussing changes from the books and how the show has been set up.  It's neat to see what they have done and how they are approaching the season.  I think it's a good setup and really enjoyed the first episode.  Let's see what the rest of the season brings.  Can't wait.  :)

In other fun news our trip to Chicago is getting close now.  Leaving in less than a week, on Saturday next week. Really looking forward to it. Let's hope the weather at least semi cooperates. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a reply to: Carmen/Malta, Laura/Spain, Lotte/Denmark and Jessica/DE. 

Posted by Hanna at 03:04 PM in Television, Travel | Permalink


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