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Monday, July 19, 2021

Unstable Weather and some random stuff

20210716_065706_resizedAnd more unstable weather, that seems to be the story of this summer. It's either super hot, crazy humid, pouring rain, cool or a mixture of all of it. We haven't had many days were it has been truly nice. Also in unrelated news every week when I update my blog I tell myself that I will get back into my letter writing and answer my outstanding mail. It's been a struggle. And now everything has been so busy with work that I usually just don't feel like it when I finally do have a free moment. Hopefully everybody will be understanding when i finally do get to it. 

Not all that much new really. Had another busy week at work last week covering for people on vacation plus just the usual summer craziness. But it's really just take it one day at a time, all we can do right now. 

The weekend was relatively uneventful. Saturday we went for an hour long walk at Sherwood Island in Westport. Was really humid and hot so kind of exhausting. Had lunch after at Rizzuto's. Hung out for a while and when I got home I watched the latest episode of "Universum" (Austrian nature show) about Wales and their animals. And then read some more of "Echo in the Bone" (on an Outlander re-reading spree to re read all the books before the new one comes out in November) Some crazy thunderstorms with lightning and thunder very close by that night as well. 

Sunday I had a massage in the morning which was perfect timing cause I had some pain in my lower back that was really annoying. Love my massage therapist. As usual she managed to work some magic and I am feeling like new. Afterwards headed to Newburgh, NY for lunch at Hurricane and when we got home we started binging the Apple show "Ted Lasso". We only have 3 episodes left of the first season and I think we will get those in tonight. The second season releases pretty soon I think so that's something to look forward to. 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a response to: Carmen/Malta, Celia/MA, Nina/WA, Tiffany/OK and Kimber/Canada.

Posted by Hanna at 08:45 PM | Permalink


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