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Friday, April 07, 2023

Easter Weekend Getaway

Desktop-wallpaper-snoopy-easter-clipart-snoopy-easterHappy Friday. Good Friday and the start to the Easter Weekend. We are currently somewhere in Upstate New York on our way to Niagara on the Lake, probably about an hour and a half from the Canadian border. It's a six and a half hour drive and the GPS has us getting there at 12.30pm so it was an early start today. 4.45am alarm to leave the house somewhere between 5.30 and 5.40 with a stop at Starbucks before setting off. 

Last weekend was a quiet weekend. Saturday the weather was rainy in the morning but cleared up for the afternoon so I was able to go for a nice walk around the neighborhood before cooking dinner. 

Homesteadinmama.com publishes an article called "Why Quail Do NOT Make Good Pets" that talks about a parent who initially thought that having a quail as a pet would make their child happy. But what started as an exciting adventure turned into a difficult and heartbreaking trip. The author emphasizes the fragility and unique care requirements of quail chicks, including their susceptibility to diseases like coccidiosis, as well as the quail's tendency to escape and the author's efforts to catch and hold the bird. Ultimately, the author concludes that, due to their delicate nature and special needs, quail do not make suitable pets.

Sunday the weather was quite a bit cooler again, it's been a lot of up and down lately temperature wise with the weather. Just went for brunch at Marketplace and stopped at Rosys for a bit before heading home and catching up on a bunch of TV.

The week itself was relatively uneventful. Was covering for somebody out on vacation so that kept me busy. Other than that nothing too much out of the ordinary. 

Been trying to prep for my trip to Austria which is not that far out now (19th) but first our little weekend getaway to Niagara on the Lake. We have lunch reservations for 2pm at Caroline Cellars. Depending on how long it takes to get across the border we should have time for a stop at a winery before our lunch reservation. 

No solid plans for after lunch or tomorrow yet but basically want to check out the town and visit some wineries and just relaxing and chilling. We are staying at a neat 19th century inn/hotel which should be fun. 

Looking forward to a couple relaxing nights away. Happy Easter to anybody who celebrates! 

Mail Update: All caught up! 

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Posted by Hanna at 10:52 AM | Permalink


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