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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Boston - it's been fun

IMG_20150628_134711And it is already Sunday afternoon again. Why do days off always fly by extra fast? Just not fair. But what can you do? We had a nice time so that's all that matters. 

Friday we had a yummy dinner at Legal Seafoods followed by some drinks at the hotel lobby bar. Then Saturday we decided to sleep in and have a leisurely day. For lunch walked over to the Hard Rock which is near Faneuil Hall, about a mile and a half from our hotel. Walking around Boston is always neat because there is so much to look at, a fun mix of old and new. Had a nice lunch and then walked back to the hotel.

Changed and walked over to the south side near the waterfront where the venue for the show was (about 2 miles, definitely got our share of walking in on this trip) Stopped at a beer garden/bar/pub type place and had a few drinks before heading over to the venue. Bought a shirt too. :) The show was a lot of fun despite some technical difficulties due to the rain (something zapped during one of the songs which made all the mics go out) Luckily our seats were covered from the rain. It was quite damp and chilly but still a lot of fun of course. 

We took Uber back to the hotel after the show. Ended up sleeping in again this morning as the rain and wind continued and didn't really feel like being outside or fighting the crowds at the aquarium on a rainy Sunday. Slept in, checked out and then walked over to Legal Crossings for lunch. Had yummy clam chowder and a crab and avocado salad. Some Earl Grey and now a glass of wine.

After that we will be heading back to CT. Not ready for Monday and work tomorrow. Ugh. I guess it is what it is. We will see how it goes. :) 

Mail Update: Received a letter from/owe a reply to: Celia/MA. A letter is going out soon to: Katie/Iowa. 

Posted by Hanna at 02:12 PM in Food and Drink, Outdoors, Travel, Weather | Permalink


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